Cardiovascular Death in Surinamese by country and ethnicity. Brewster LM. Nov 2015-15.pdf (293.72 kB)

Cardiovascular Death in Surinamese by Country and Ethnicity

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modified on 2017-06-21, 21:25

I hereby summarize the existing evidence on cardiovascular mortality in Surinamese by country and ethnicity.

Surinamese living in Suriname are mainly of Asian and African descent (population size 540K, South Asian 148K, African (Creole+Marron) 206K, Javanese 74K). Around half of the population had migrated to the Netherlands at the end of the 20th century (currently est. 338K (South Asian 151K; African 143K; Javanese 22K). The Surinamese have a high burden of cardiovascular disease (Diemer F. et al, BMJ Open 2014). However, there is very limited information on cardiovascular mortality. Therefore, I aggregated the available data.