Figure 4.pptx (461.31 kB)

Viability observations of S.aureus by differential/double staining of living and dead cells after SAEW treatment under a confocal microscope (A). The live-dead percentage of S.aureus under SAEW treatment (20 and 60 ppm) was assessed with a flow cytometry at the following: (B) 60 ppm, 1 min, (C) 60 ppm, 10 min, (D) 20 ppm, 1 min, (E) 20 ppm, 10 min. Live and dead cells percentage (%) under SAEW treatment were represented as a chart (F).

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modified on 2018-04-11, 21:34

S. aureus was treated with SAEW at 20 and 60 ppm for comparison analysis. The viability rate of S.aureus cells maintained constant while treating with SAEW at 20 ppm regardless of dipping time (1 and 10 min) (Fig. 4D-E). However, 60 ppm of SAEW indicated that the high sanitizing potency in bacterial cells compared to 20 ppm (Fig. 4F).