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Handedness is associated with less common input to spinal motor neurons innervating different hand muscles

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modified on 2022-08-24, 06:36

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This repository contains all the raw HD-EMG data, the manually edited motor unit spike trains and the data selected to perform the correlation analyses.  

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FILE NAME: Firingsforxcorr.mat 

This file contains data used to assess the correlation between the smoothed discharge rate of motor neurons. Note that participant 4 was not included in this analysis as too few motor units were identified.

1) firings 

rows: participants 

col 1: pinch/dominant, col 2: pinch/non dominant, col 3: rotation/dominant, col 4 rotation/non dominant

Each cell is a binary file with one motor neuron per row: 1 = discharge times;

To be able to associate these firings to each recorded muscle, you will need to use the following information

2) muscle

rows: participants 

col 1: pinch/dominant, col 2: pinch/non dominant, col 3: rotation/dominant, col 4 rotation/non dominant

Each cell is a vector where each numbers corresponds to the muscle from which the motor neuron was identified. 1 = thenar, 2 = FDI, 3 = FDS

FILE NAME: S[participant]

There is one folder per participant. In each folder, there is a file per condition. Each file contains the raw data together with the motor unit spike trains manually edited.  The HDsEMG signals were decomposed into motor unit spike trains using convolutive blind-source separation as described in the manuscript (custom made matlab script). After the automatic identification of the motor units, the spike trains were visually checked for false positives and false negatives using the DEMUSE tool (The University of Maribor, Slovenia).


Institut Universitaire de France (FH, AN)