
Integrating across neuroimaging modalities boosts prediction accuracy of cognitive ability

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This collection contains the following data and results files generated for our paper "Integrating across neuroimaging modalities boosts prediction accuracy of cognitive ability" ( The collection has the following files:

- multimodal_cognition_data: Data used to generate the results of the paper.
- training_set_idxs: Indices for the training sets in the Monte Carlo cross-validation procedure.
- test_set_idxs: Indices for the test sets in the Monte Carlo cross-validation procedure.
- predictions: Single channels and stacking predictions generated during the Monte-Carlo cross-validation.
- scores: Single channels and stacking R2 and MAE scores generated during the Monte-Carlo cross-validation.
- weight_phenotypes: For those cognitive domains in which stacking led to a significant improvement, the different weights from fitting the LASSO-PCR estimator to the entire data in each single channel.


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