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IntrinsicNoiseAnalyzer-0.4.3.exe (31.07 MB)

intrinsic Noise Analyzer (Windows)

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modified on 2019-06-15, 12:57

intrinsic Noise Analyzer (iNA) is an open source software for studying reaction kinetics in living cells. The software analyzes mathematical models of intracellular reaction kinetics such as gene expression, regulatory networks or signaling pathways to quantify concentration fluctuations due to the random nature of chemical reactions. iNA implements stochastic simulation algorithm (Gillespie Algorithm), deterministic rate equationa, and system size expansion methods (e.g., Linear Noise Approximation and Effective Mesoscopic Rate Equations).

Thomas, P., Matuschek, H., & Grima, R. (2012). Intrinsic noise analyzer: a software package for the exploration of stochastic biochemical kinetics using the system size expansion. PloS One 7, e38518.