Hybrid_Decay_GBS_merge.hmp.txt (91.81 MB)

Hybrid Decay: A Transgenerational Epigenetic Decline in Vigor and Viability Triggered in Backcross Populations of Teosinte with Maize

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modified on 2019-07-30, 04:09
The genotype files are coded in Hapmap format, and can be read by TASSEL ( or any programs that recognize tab-delimited files (e.g. R). The "Hybrid_Decay_GBS_merge.hmp.txt" file contains 18 individuals and 955,690 non-imputed SNP markersderived from more than 60,000 samples (

This fileset contains the genotype file used in the following manuscript: Wei Xue, et al. (2019) Hybrid Decay: A Transgenerational Epigenetic Decline in Vigor and Viability Triggered in Backcross Populations of Teosinte with Maize. Genetics. The genotype file is coded in Hapmap format, and can be read by TASSEL ( or any programs that recognize tab-delimited files (e.g. R). The "Hybrid_Decay_GBS_merge.hmp.txt" file contains 18 individuals and 955,690 non-imputed SNP markersderived from more than 60,000 samples (


National Science Foundation grants IOS-1238014

National Science Foundation grants IOS- 1237931

National Science Foundation grants IOS-1444514

USDA-NIFA grant 2016-67013-24747

USDA-ARS base funds