CEA_mFISH_data.csv (7.89 MB)

EASI-FISH reveals spatial and axonal projection patterns of molecularly defined cell types in the central amygdala (CEA)

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modified on 2023-01-30, 23:18

We combined Expansion-Assisted Iterative Fluorescence in situ hybridization (EASI-FISH) with retrograde tracer labeling to reveal the spatial and axonal projection patterns of molecularly defined neuronal types in the central amygdala (CEA). 

Here, 29 marker-genes were measured with EASI-FISH in 100µm thick brain slices in the mouse CEA, after retrograde tracer labeling in 5 downstream brain targets: the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), lateral substantia nigra (lateral SN), periaqueductal gray   (PAG), parabrachial nucleus (PBN), and parvocellular reticular formation (PCRt). 

'CEA_mFISH_data.csv' contains spot count for all marker genes, axonal projections, spatial locations (z, y, x) and cell body size (area) and shape (solidity), and cell_cluster for each neuron. Each row represents measurement from one neuron. Data collected in six samples from two animals are included here.


HHMI Janelia Research Campus