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modified on 2020-04-27, 11:24 Protein_clusters.tar.gz - All vcontact2 protein clusters (e-4)
All_proteins.faa.gz - All protein sequences used before clustering
All_PLV_virophages_from_GKS_IMGVR_EBI.fasta.gz - All PLVs and virophages identified (nucleotide)
110_PLV_and_Virophage_MCP-ATPase_alignment.phy - Alignment of MCP-ATPase genes from selected group members
MCP_alignment_GKS_plus_known_PLVs.phy - Alignment of MCP genes for all Gossenkollesee PLVs plus known examples. - Oomycete PLVs gene predictions
Oomycetes_PLV.fasta - Oomycete PLVs (nucleotide)
PLV_MCP_profile_HMM - Profile HMM for PLVs
VIROPHAGE_MCP_profile_HMM - Profile HMM for virophages