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Metabolic Reprograming in a mouse model of PAH. NMR data

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modified on 2018-07-10, 09:48
Lung, Right Ventricle and Left Ventricle tissue metabolomic NMR spectra from mice under normoxia, hypoxia and hypoxia+SU543.

Tissue samples were examined by HR-MAS NMR using a Bruker AMX500 spectrometer (11.7 T). Samples were placed into a 50-μl zirconium oxide rotor using a rinsed cylindrical insert with 15 µl of a 0.1 mM solution of TSP in deuterium water (D2O) and spun at 4000 Hz to remove the effects of spinning side bands from the acquired spectra. Shimming and NMR preparation times were reduced to a minimum, while the sample was chilled to 4°C to minimize metabolic changes.


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