Task_1_1_PLEDGES_figshare_pdf.pdf (2.88 MB)

Pledges task 1.1 - Investigation of the EU27 Member State’s present decarbonising strategies and incentives

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modified on 2024-01-31, 10:39

PLEDGES PROJECT - Task 1.1 aims to highlight the state of the art in decarbonization policy and incentives strategy for EU27 as a whole and each Member State. The study is mainly based on the evaluations of the Final National Energy and Climate plans (NECPs) published in September 2020 and the analysis of the assessment of recommendations the European Commission gave for improving the plans published in October 2020. At present NECPs represent the main “tool” to promote the EU 27 decarbonization. Moreover, an evaluation of National Long Term Strategy plans has also been carried out to assess the actions/policies each member state has planned for 2050


Marie Curie International Fellowship 2020 - GA ID: 101023109