Table S1 OTU table.xlsx (227.04 kB)
File S1 MCP AA alignment for Fig S2.fasta (407.56 kB)
File S2 MCP AA alignment for Fig 1.fasta (25.73 kB)
Figure S2. Full phylogenetic virus tree.pdf (23.37 kB)
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Seasonal dynamics of algal infecting viruses in the Skagerrak, North Atlantic and inferred interactions with protists. Supplementary files.

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modified on 2021-05-07, 13:15
Table S1. Algal virus major capsid protein (MCP) OTUs at station OF2 at the outer Oslofjorden, Norway during March 2010 - June 2011, with number of reads in each sample and its taxonomic placement. OTUs marked in red were removed after subsampling.

File S1. Fasta file with virus MCP amino acid (AA) alignment used for complete phylogenetic tree in Figure S2.

File S2. Fasta file with virus MCP AA alignment used for phylogenetic tree with the 22 most abundant OTUs in Figure 1.

Figure S2. Phylogenetic tree (FastTree2) based on available Phycodnaviridae and Mimiviridae MCP reference sequences (black), virus OTUs found in a previous study in Raunefjorden, Norway (blue, Larsen et al. 2008) and all algal viruses OTUs obtained from Outer Oslofjorden, OF2 (red).


The Research Council of Norway

The University of Oslo