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hCINAP expression in colorectal cancer

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modified on 2017-03-14, 07:24

The authors declare that the data analysis processes supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its Supplementary Information files. The TCGA gene expression profile data, as recomputed based on gencode v23, were downloaded from UCSC Xena ( The TCGA clinical data were downloaded from the GDC Data Portal (, with accession number phs000178.v9.p8 in dbGap.





Supplementary Information:


For analyzing the hCINAP expression in CRC, we downloaded the recomputed TCGA gene expression datasets for COAD and READ cancer types from the UCSC Xena ( The gene model was based on gencode v23, and the expression unit is TPM (Transcript per million). The clinical data were downloaded from the GDC Data Portal (


For differential expression analysis, we compiled a selected sample set, including 367 tumor- and 51 normal-samples, in which each sample has information available for clinical variables such as gender, age and race (Supplementary Table1). For expression analysis by pathological stages, we only used those tumor samples with stage information (Supplementary Table1). The dataset used for profiling gene expression by CRC subtypes was compiled based on the results of consensus molecular subtypes (CMSs) described previously [PMID: 26457759] , containing 265 tumor samples (Supplementary Table1). 


the National Key Research and Development Program of China and the National Science Foundation of China.