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Data from: Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments - a sliding window approach

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modified on 2017-04-20, 07:33
The following datasets were used for the analyses presented in the publication called "Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments --- a sliding window approach".

Mixed models and figure 5:
* Logistic regression across temperature and species richness (LR_all_class_data.csv)
* Four datasets for the logistic regressions using subsets of species, temperatures, time and number of trajectories
(LR_[sp, temp, ws, trjs]_data.csv)

Comparing automatic and manual counts & Figure 6:
* The comparison between the RF classifier and manual identification (Automatic_RF_id.csv & Manual_id.csv)
* The comparison between RF, NB and SVM classifier and manual identifications (NB_SVM_RF_id.csv & Manual_id.csv)