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Determinants of Neural Tube Defects among Mothers Who Gave Birth in North Shoa Zone Hospitals, Amhara Region, Ethiopia 2020: Case control study

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modified on 2020-12-12, 12:06

Introduction: Neural tube defects affect the brain and the spinal column of the developing embryo. The defects occur due to incomplete or failure of closure of the neural tube. The condition eventually causes death and lifelong disability. Worldwide, more than 300,000 babies are born with neural tube defects each year. The highest burden is in low and middle income countries. Therefore, this study aims to identify the determinant factors of neural tube defects among mothers who gave birth in North Shoa Zone Hospitals.

Methods: A hospital based unmatched case-control study was conducted among 243(81 cases and 162 controls) study participants in North Shoa Zone Hospitals. The hospitals were selected using simple random sampling and all cases and randomly selected controls in the selected hospitals were included in the study. The data were collected by using pre-tested structured questionnaire.

Results: Different factors were identified to have association with neural tube defect. Family annual cash income less than 24000ETB (AOR: 3.73, 95%CI: 1.35, 10.26), history of still birth (AOR: 3.63, 95%CI: 1.03, 12.2), history of abortion (AOR: 6.15, 95%CI: 2.63, 18.56), preconception tea use (AOR: 2.36, 95%CI: 1.15, 4.86) and pesticides/chemical exposer (AOR: 5.34, 95%CI: 1.77, 16.05) were positively associated factors. In the contrart, preconception care (AOR: 0.14, 95%CI: 0.05, 0.39) and taking iron/folic acid/multivitamin during the current pregnancy (AOR: 0.16, 95%CI: 0.07, 0.33) showed a protective effect.

Conclusion: Family annual income less than 24000ETB, history of still birth, history of abortion, preconception tea use and pesticides/chemical exposer were predictors of neural tube defects. Preconception counseling and screening should be recommended for women who plan for pregnancy.

Key words: Neural tube defect, Determinant factors, Hospitals, Ethiopia


Not applicable.

Research Foundation - Flanders

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