TH_2022_111_hospitals.xls (41 kB)

Data set - Frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bloodstream infections in 111 public referral hospitals in Thailand, 2022

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modified on 2024-05-28, 09:06

This is the data set for the study "Frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bloodstream infections in Thailand, 2022"

Hospital_code: Hospital codes

Hospital_level: 0 defines hospital level A; 1 defines hospital level S; 2 defines hospital level M1. In 2022, there were 127 referral public hospitals in health regions 1 to 12 Thailand. These included 35 advanced-level referral hospital (i.e. level A, with a bed size of about 500-1,200 beds), 55 standard-level referral hospital (i.e. level S, with a bed size of about 300 to 500) and 37 mid-level referral hospital (i.e. level M1, with a bed size of about 180-300)

Health_region: 1 to 12. In 2022, there were 77 provinces in Thailand. The health systems in each province were integrated into 12 groups of provinces, known as health regions, plus the capital Bangkok as health region 13.

Number_of_records_h: Total number of hospital admissions

Bed_count: Hospital bed size

Bed_count_S_100: Standardized hospital bed size by centering at the mean value and divided by 100

GPP_2021: Gross Provincial Product (Million Baht)

GPP_2021_S: Standardized Gross Provincial Product by centering at the mean value and divided by the standard deviation

Perc_tested_for_CAB: Percentage of patients having blood culture taken within the first two calendar days of hospital admission

Perc_tested_for_CAB_S_5: Standardized percentage of patients having blood culture taken within the first two calendar days of hospital admission by centering at the mean value and divided by 5

Perc_tested_for_HAB: Percentage of patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

Perc_tested_for_HAB_S_1: Standardized percentage of patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission by centering at the mean value and divided by 1

N_3GCREC_co: Total number of patients with community-origin 3GCREC BSI

N_CRAB_ho: Total number of patients with hospital-origin CRAB BSI

N_BCtested_for_CAB: Total number of patients having blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

N_BCtested_for_HAB: Total number of patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_3GCREC_co: Frequency of community-origin 3GCREC BSI per 100,000 patients having blood culture taken within the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_3GCRKP_co: Frequency of community-origin 3GCRKP BSI per 100,000 patients having blood culture taken within the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_CRAB_ho: Frequency of hospital-origin CRAB BSI per 100,000 patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_CREC_ho: Frequency of hospital-origin CREC BSI per 100,000 patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_CRKP_ho: Frequency of hospital-origin CRKP BSI per 100,000 patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission

IRt_MRSA_ho: Frequency of hospital-origin MRSA BSI per 100,000 patients having the first blood culture taken after the first two calendar days of hospital admission