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Bat Recording Manager v7.3

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modified on 2019-05-08, 15:30

The current version (7.3) is only supported for use on Windows 10. Although the program itself can run under Windows 8 the installation of the database server is problematic.
Version 7.3.7038 has resolved the installation problems encountered with version 7.2 and has been successfully installed on a Virgin Windows 10 computer. It does have a problem when importing data from recordings with Wildlife Acoustics recorders that store their own metadata in WAMD format and which have been analysed using Kaleidoscope. In this case the metadata is not imported correctly. There is no problem in situations where Kaleidoscope stores the analysis data in GUANO format, or when using Audacity. This problem is currently being worked on.
version 7.3.7045 now works correctly with both WAMD and GUANO metadata or combinations of both. Also fixes a few other bugs and ensures that file extensions are not case sensitive.
v7.3.7048 has minor changes to the installer to only try to install the database server if it is not already installed.
v7.3.7062 fixes some problems with the import pictures function and cosmetic problems in the Import function. Also fixes scrolling problem in recordings list.
version 7.3.7067 corrects some inconsistencies in the open folder dialogs and tidies up some of the UI operations adding COMP-ALL buttons for the three main view panes and allowing a double-click to open a labelled segment in Audacity.