
Drugs, Active Ingredients and Diseases database in Spanish. Augmenting the resources for analysis on drugs-illness interaction

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modified on 2021-01-08, 01:39
Quantitative and qualitative data on active-ingredient drug composition are essential information for characterizing near-field exposure. Equally as important is the characterization of the relationship between one or many active ingredients in terms of the diseases they are prescribed for. Such evaluations however require quantitative and well-classified information at different anatomical levels. Here we present two datasets which contain details of 12,827 drugs, 40,164 diseases, 6,231 active pharmaceutical ingredients and 4,093 side effects. 
These datasets will allow researchers, physicians and pharmacists to evaluate the active substances at an anatomical level, enabling them to infer the range of different active substances and possible side effects on patients with comorbidities.  These datasets also contains information about clinical and pharmacological classification, which may be useful for clinical researchers and physicians.