Zosterops_borbonicus_genome.tar.gz (302.32 MB)

Nuclear genome sequences and annotation of Zosterops borbonicus

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modified on 2019-07-12, 06:49
This is the genome sequence and annotation of Zosterosp borbonicus female field code 15179. These sequences are analysed in the manuscript of Leroy et al.

This assembly is available on NCBI (BioProject PRJNA530916, BioSample: SAMN11339519) but does contain the scafolds < 200bp that have been removed prior to NCBI submission.

Files are :
Scaffold_neoW_neoZ.txt : the scaffolds that have been identified as neoW-W, neoW-4A, neoZ-Z and neoZ-4A chromosomes.

ZoBo_SOAP_SSPACElongread_PE_MP_PacBio.v2.1.fasta : the genome sequence

DeCoSTAR_27avian_ADseq+scaff_Boltz_kT0.1_Lin0.1_M2_Zosterops_borbonicus_ZeFi-ZoBo+DeCoSTAR.agp : Reference-assisted genome organization


French ANR (BirdIslandGenomic project, ANR-14-CE02-0002)