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modified on 2019-09-16, 12:35
This spreadsheet provides data of the sEMG of the lower limb in a Bulgarian squat, suspended lunge, suspended lunge-Bosu, suspended lunge-Vibro30 and -Vibro40. Also showed the force exerted on the suspension device in the suspended lunge conditions and the vertical ground reaction forces produced by the front leg in the Bulgarian squat and the suspended lunge. sEMG values are expressed in percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction and force values are expressed in percentage of body mass resistance.
Additionally, data about the increase or the decrease for the sEMG in the suspension lunge conditions respect the Bulgarian squat is provided.

Furthermore, the ICC and the 95% confidence interval values of muscle activity and maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) for recuts femoris front leg, biceps femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, gluteus medius and rectus femoris rear leg for Bulgarian squat, suspended lunge, suspended lunge-BOSU, suspended lunge-Vibro30 and -Vibro40. Also, the ICC and 95% confidence interval values of force production (force exerted on the suspension strap and vertical ground reaction forces) are shown for each exercise condition. The intra-rater reliability was measured in 3 repetitions.