5 files

Protein half-life predictor data sets

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modified on 2017-06-26, 15:16
These data sets contain invivo and invitro murine protein half-lives. These files have been collected from the online
repository of the corresponding journals. Here are the lists of the files and their corresponding journals:

Filename: AnalChem_72_p367_Brain.csv and AnalChem_72_p367_Liver.csv

Journal:Guan S, Price JC, Ghaemmaghami S, Prusiner SB,

Burlingame AL. Compartment modeling for mammalian

protein turnover studies by stable isotope metabolic labeling.

Anal Chem. 2012;84(9):4014-21.



Schwanhausser B, Busse D, Li N, Dittmar G, Schuchhardt

J, Wolf J, et al. Global quantification of mammalian gene

expression control. Nature. 2011;473(7347):337-42.

Filename: MolSysBio_2013_Cell.csv
Kristensen AR, Gsponer J, Foster LJ. Protein synthesis rate is the predominant regulator of protein expression during differentiation. Mol Syst Biol. 2013;9. doi: ARTN 689

Filename: Science_2016_Heart.csv

Lau E, Cao Q, Ng DC, Bleakley BJ, Dincer TU, Bot BM, et

al. A large dataset of protein dynamics in the mammalian

heart proteome. Sci Data. 2016;3:160015. doi:

10.1038/sdata.2016.15. PubMed PMID: 26977904; PubMed

Central PMCID: PMCPMC4792174.