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Lessons from the Reestablishment of Public Health Laboratory Activities in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria

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modified on 2019-05-29, 18:30

Supplementary Information:

Supplementary Data 1: Inventory and Priority Supplies Template. A blank version of the template. Includes a tab for current inventory (and data about serial number, last time QC passed, etc.). The inventory tab can be something laboratories complete and digitize as part of the risk mitigation plan for a large incident. For regional laboratories, this can be completed and made available as part of the mitigation process (e.g., if one instrument fails, the location of another functional one is known).

Supplementary Data 2: Sample Shipping and Tracking Log Template. A blank version of the template. Includes an overview of the elements to track to ensure samples are delivered quickly and at the correct temperature.

Supplementary Information File. Laboratory Team Response Manual Template for laboratory responders during an emergency response. This template was created as part of the Hurricane Maria Response in Puerto Rico (2017). The purpose of this document is to facilitate creating a manual for organizations involved in public health laboratory restoration activities following an emergency. This customizable document template can be adapted to fit specific needs.


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