
Data and software supporting paper 'Disruption of awake sharp-wave ripples does not affect memorisation of locations in repeated-acquisition spatial memory tasks'

This collection is shared privately
  • Raw electrophysiology and behavioural data
  • Publication figures and notebooks to recreate the figures
  • Intermediate data structures and summary analysis results
  • Python code
This collection contains the raw data and software used for the paper 'Disruption of awake sharp-wave ripples does not affect memorisation of locations in repeated-acquisition spatial memory tasks. It investigates the contribution of awake sharp-wave ripples (aswrs) to short-term memory (stm) using closed-loop electrical disruption of aswrs. For all the details about the behavioural tasks and method of recording we refer to our paper:

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Remember what to do: the contribution of hippocampal activity to short-term memory

Research Foundation - Flanders

Connecting past and future: the contribution of hippocampal memory reactivate during wakefulness to learning behavior

Research Foundation - Flanders

Research Institution(s)

KU Leuven, NERF-NeuroElectronics Research Flanders, VIB, Imec

Competing Interest Statement

The authors declare no competing interests.


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