20170501Hoarding Rating Scale.pdf (247.6 kB)

Japanese version of the Hoarding Rating Scale-Self-Report (HRS-SR-J)

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modified on 2017-05-01, 07:43
The Hoarding Rating Scale Self-Report (HRS-SR) is a scale with five items that assesses the symptoms of hoarding. These symptoms include excessive acquisition, difficulty in discarding, and excessive clutter that causes distress. We conducted three studies to examine the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Japanese version of the HRS-SR (HRS-SR-J).


This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H07098 and Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment to the first author, and Iwate Prefectural University faculty research grant (Gakubu-tou-kenkyuhi) to the second author.