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Colony but not social phenotype or status structures the gut bacteria of a eusocial mammal

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modified on 2022-02-09, 03:04
Data associated with "Colony but not social phenotype or status structures the gut bacteria of a eusocial mammal"

nmrm_metadata.csv = all the metadata associated with the individual fastq files for microbiome analysis

nmrm.full.tre = phylogenetic tree of the full V4 ASV list generated from dada2

nmrm.seqtab.nochim_FULL.r = R object file of the raw read counts of individual ASVs across all samples

taxaSilva_nmrm.rds = R object file of the taxonomy of each bacterial ASV according to the SILVA database

phyloseq_object_nmrm.rds = PHYLOSEQ object which includes all of the individual components listed above for use in all analyses in R code

ASV_map.csv = map of individual ASVs to convenience labels used in downstream analyses and differential abundance tables

NMRM_pubCode.R = R code used for all analyses and figure generation
