
Glycogen levels in midgut gland of Lithodes santolla after starvation

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modified on 2017-08-30, 13:45
Male king crab (Lithodes santolla) were collected from the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina) using baited traps and fishing boats.Twenty four king crabs in intermoult stage (114 mm LC) were placed in individual containers with chilled seawater (6±1°C) under continuous aeration. The first day of the assay (time 0, initial control), 6 animals were dissected and their midgut gland was extracted. The remaining crabs were not fed until day 30, 45 or 60. At each time, 6 animals were randomly dissected.
Glycogen concentration in the midgut gland was measured based on Lo´s protocol (Lo et al 1970).