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When Are Smells Indicators of Architectural Refactoring Opportunities? A Study of 50 Software Projects

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modified on 2020-01-31, 11:32
This web page contains the replication package for the paper "When Are Smells Key Symptoms of Design Problems? A Study of 50 Software Projects"

This (omitted due dobule-blind review) file contains data related to the 50 open source projects used in our study. For each project, we collected refactoring operations and code smells for all commits.

Database Credentials
Login: neo4j

The file contains a Neo4j database with 5 types of nodes:

- Project: Nodes like this one contains metadata about the projects considered (name and url, for instance)
- Commit: These notes store data related to commits of each project (date, author, comment, etc.)
- Element: It represents code elements (methods, classes, interfaces, etc.). These nodes store all sort of data related to code elements: fqn, metrics values, file name, location in the code, etc.
- Refactoring: It represents all refactoring operations by type and impact over code smells (if removed or not the smell).
- Smell: All instances of code smells by type and affected code element.

The nodes relates to each other according to the following relationships:

(Commit)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(Project) - Links commits to projects

(Element)-[:COMMITTED_IN]->(Commit) - Links code element to specific commits

(Element)-[:AFFECTED_BY]->(Smell) - Links elements to the smells that affect them

(Refactoring)-[:STARTED_AT]->(Commit) - Commit immediately before refactoring

(Refactoring)-[:CHANGED]->(Element) - Code elements affected by the refactoring, but in the previous state, i.e., before the refactoring actually be performed

(Refactoring)-[:PRODUCED]->(Element) - Code elements in the state after refactoring. It may contain new elements not contained in the :CHANGED relationship because refactorings can also create new elements.

Since this file is a Neo4j database, please refer to these links to interact with the data:

Starting the database and querying data:
Cypher Cheat Sheet:

Additional Information
- The attached file "Selected Projects.pdf" contains additional data about the projects we considered in this research.
- The attached file "Algorithm for Categorization.pdf" contains the pseudo code for the algorithm used to categorize the refactored elements according to the presence of smells