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Additional files for: "Comparative transcriptomics reveals gene families associated with predatory behavior in Photuris femme fatale fireflies"

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modified on 2020-02-29, 15:02

Supplementary data files for: "Comparative transcriptomics reveals gene families associated with predatory behavior in Photuris femme fatale fireflies" : FUSTr results files for each comparison including comma delimited FUBAR statistic output (Naming scheme: species_name_family_number.fubar.csv), text file containing gene families under selection (Naming scheme: species_name_famsUnderSelection.txt), and FUSTr summary text file (Naming scheme: species_name_FUSTr.out). : BLAST results tab delimited text files for each gene family in each comparison. Columns are listed in the following order: column 1 is the query sequence ID, column 2 is the subject sequence ID, column 3 is the percentage of identical matches, column 4 is the evalue, column 5 is the query coverage per subject, and column 6 is the gene name/NCBI definition. Naming scheme: species_name_familynumber_BLAST.out.tsv : Trinity assemblies for each species. Naming scheme: species_name.fasta