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Supplementary Data for 3D revisualisation: a new method to revisit segmented data

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modified on 2022-06-16, 07:07

Supplementary Data for 3D revisualisation: a new method to revisit segmented data 

Optical density calculations were carried out based on the calibration curve and 21-step step table attached here. The movie was produced using the Tungsenia dataset as an example, it records the whole process of this new revisualization method.

Article abstract:  3D visualisation and segmentation are increasingly widely used in physical and medical science as efficient investigation tools. However, due to the compatibility barriers among mainstream 3D visualisation software, it is challenging to replicate and reproduce segmented volume or results, which essentially hampers the cross-validation of the accuracy of 3D visualisation results. To solve this, we developed a new revisualization method in open-source 3D visualisation software Drishti and utilised four animal samples and three mainstream 3D visualisation software as case studies. Our approach shows the segmented results from different 3D visualisation software can be easily transferred and revisited in Drishti, which breaks current restrictions and barriers in various 3D visualisation software and provides an authentication channel for cross-checking or shedding more light on segmented data.  


This research was funded by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB26000000) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41872023).