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Toward Granular Automatic Unit Test Case Generation - Online Appendix

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journal contribution
modified on 2023-04-16, 13:10

Unit testing verifies the presence of faults in individual software components. Previous research has been targeting the automatic generation of unit tests through the adoption of random or search-based algorithms. Despite their effectiveness, these approaches do not implement any strategy that allows them to create unit tests in a structured manner: indeed, they aim at creating tests by optimizing metrics like code coverage without ensuring that the resulting tests follow good design principles. In order to structure the automatic test case generation process, we propose a two-step systematic approach to the generation of unit tests: we first force search-based algorithms to create tests that cover individual methods of the production code, hence implementing the so-called intra-method tests; then, we relax the constraints to enable the creation of intra-class tests that target the interactions among production code methods. The assessment of our approach is conducted through a mixed-method research design that combines statistical analyses with a user study. The key results report that our approach is able to keep the same level of code and mutation coverage while providing test suites that are more structured, more understandable and aligned to the design principles of unit testing.