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Timber recovery in Amazonian logged forests

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modified on 2018-12-27, 09:53
The data are from the article "Can timber provision from Amazonian natural forests be sustainable?".

Associated R scripts are available at:

(A) List of tables

A.1) volume inventory data:
- plotInfo.csv: information on TmFO plots (location, year of logging, etc)
- volDynData.csv: volume dynamics data from the TmFO plots
- volRadam.csv: volume from RadamBrasil inventories

A.2) model parameters posterior:
- paramsVolDyn.csv: parameters of the volume dynamics model
- paramsVolDynSite.csv: site-specific parameters of the volume dynamics model
- paramsDam.csv: parameters of the logging precision model (proportion of timber of the total volume lost during logging operations)
- paramsPropRecru.csv: parameters of the recruitment model.
- paramsFormind.csv: spatially-explicit parameters estimated with the Formind model. A sample of 100 values is given for every cell the Amazon-wide 1°-resolution grid.

Each column corresponds to one parameter, and each row is a set of parameters. For a detailed description of parameters, see: Piponiot et al. (2018). Assessing timber volume recovery after disturbance in tropical forests – A new modelling framework, in Ecological Modelling.

A.3) spatial variables
- spatVariables.csv: contains the proportion of harvestable area in every cell of the Amazon-wide 1°-resolution grid.

(B) Variables description:

- source: the data source (TmFO or RadamBrasil) of volume inventories
- site: the name of the site where the data was measured
- idPlot: plot identifier
- longitude, latitude: coordinates of the plot or pixel
- plotArea: area of the plot (in ha)
- yearLogging: year of logging
- year: census year
- volume: volume of trees > 50 cm DBH (in m3ha-1)
- volGain: annual volume gain (in m3ha-1yr-1) from recruitment and growth of trees > 50 cm DBH since the previous census
- pRecruitment: proportion of volume gain from recruitment of trees < 50 cm DBH into the > 50 cm DBH size class
- volMort: annual volume mortality (in m3ha-1yr-1) of trees > 50 cm DBH since the previous census
- omegaTot: (pre-logging) proportion of timber volume (all potential timber species included) over the total volume
- omegaLoc: (pre-logging) proportion of volume in locally harvested species (i.e. all species actually harvested at this particular site)
- aG: gross volume productivity (in m3ha-1yr-1) of a mature stand estimated with the FORMIND model, using the methodology developed by Rödig, et al (2017).
- aGLoc: site-specific gross volume productivity (in m3ha-1yr-1)
- vclimax: volume of a mature stand (in m3ha-1) estimated with the FORMIND model, using the methodology developed by Rödig, et al (2017).
- vclimaxLoc: site-specific gross volume productivity (in m3ha-1yr-1)
- pAreaLogging: proportion of area available for logging on the pixel, estimated as the proportion of the total area that is (i) is not a strictly protected area (according to the IUCN database); (ii) is within 25 km of a road or motorable track reported in Open Street Map; (iii) has a forest cover > 90% according to Hansen et al, (2013).


FEDER 20142020, Project GY0006894; CEBA: ANR-10-LABEX-0025; FAPESP: 2013/16262–4 and 2013/50718–5; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research – Forest Tree and Agroforestry Research Program