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Multi-objective optimisation of Resin Infusion

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modified on 2019-01-14, 16:52


-‘Exhaustive’ sheet: All the data gathered during the exhaustive search are reported. Column 1 to 8 report respectively the temperature of first and second dwell, duration of first dwell and ramp, convection coefficient, gate location, filling time and maximum degree of cure.

-‘Gate-T1’ sheet: Reports the data to plot the 3D landscape

-‘T1-T2’ sheet: Reports the data to plot the 3D landscape

Optimisation results.xlsx

-‘Results’ sheet: Reports the 13 generations the GA requires to converge to a final optimal Pareto front. Column 1 to 9 report respectively the generation number, temperature of first and second dwell, duration of first dwell and ramp, gate location, convection coefficient, filling time and maximum degree of cure.

-‘Details of individuals’ sheet: Reports the detailed analysis f the different strategies of solutions belonging to different region of the Pareto.


-‘Horizontal_flow_front_data’ sheet: Reports the compact data for the Temperature, viscosity and degree of cure evolution for an horizontal region solution

-‘Viscosity_horizontal_region’ sheet: Reports the viscosity evolution for different nodes in the model for an horizontal region solution

-‘Degree cure_horizontal_region’ sheet: Reports the degree of cure envelope for an horizontal solution

‘Temperature_horizontal region’ sheet: Reports the temperature evolution for different nodes in the model for an horizontal region solution

-‘Model_verification’ sheet: reports the analytical viscosity model implementation

‘Vertical_flow front_data’ sheet: Reports the compact data for the Temperature, viscosity and degree of cure evolution for a vertical region solution

-‘Degree_cure_vertical_region’ sheet: Reports the degree of cure envelope for a vertical solution region

-‘Temperature_vertical_region’ sheet: Reports the temperature evolution for different nodes in the model for a vertical region solution

-‘Viscosity_vertical_region’ sheet: Reports the viscosity evolution for different nodes in the model for a vertical region solution

-‘Standard_flow_front_data’ sheet: Reports the compact data for the Temperature, viscosity and degree of cure evolution for the standard solution

-‘Deg_cure_standard’ sheet: Reports the degree of cure envelope for the standard solution

‘-Temperature_data_standard’ sheet: Reports the temperature evolution for different nodes in the model for the standard solution

-‘Viscosity_standard’ sheet: Reports the viscosity evolution for different nodes in the model for the standard solution

-‘Plots’ sheet: plots summary


EPSRC-EP/K031430/1; EC-FP7-233926

Authoriser (e.g. PI/supervisor)