UniMelb Eastern Quoll Reference Genome Preprint Repository
observations_map.r: Code used to plot eastern quoll observations on the map of Tasmania (Fig. 1b).
eastern_quoll_observation_records_gps_coords_filt.csv: Table of GPS coordinates representing eastern quoll sightings from the Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas (Fig. 1b).
ideogram.r: Code used to plot the heat map of gene annotations (Fig. 3a).
gene_count_histo_10mbp.bed: Bed file containing 10 megabase windows across the eastern quoll genome with the count of annotated genes (Fig. 3a).
Dasyurus_viverrinus_TARZ-13805.1_eggnog.gff: De novo annotation of the eastern quoll genome generated with funannotate and labelled with eggnog
Supplementary Tables S1-S6.xlsx: Supplementary tables referenced in manuscript. Each table is given in a sheet.
Supplementary File S1.docx: MAFFT alignment of dasyuromorph ASIP alignments
Supplementary File S2.docx: MAFFT alignment of the ASIP exon 1 region from the eastern quoll, yellow-footed antechinus and two Tasmanian devil genome assemblies.