dades ASD Covid-19.sav (2.81 kB)


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modified on 2020-06-30, 09:34

The purpose of this study was to compare the psychosocial and behavioural scores of children with ASD before their participation in an adapted judo programme with the scores on the same instruments recorded after the programme and those registered during the lockdown period. The sample was made up of 11 children who participated in an judo programme. The children were assessed four times: baseline, a second time after an eight-week control period, a third time after an eight-week judo intervention and a fourth time after an eight-week lockdown period due to COVID-19. Significant improvements were shown following the judo intervention period compared to Baseline and control. However, the same values significantly declined during the COVID-19 lockdown period resulting in values lower than those recorded at Baseline, Control, or Judo intervention. This is likely due to the stress caused by the sudden halt in activity and the increase in sedentary practices associated with the lockdown.


Erasmus + Sport Programme (Project Identifier: 612954-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-SPO-SCP)