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SUPPLEMENTARY Information (SI).docx (256.01 kB)

Identifying higher education students’ profiles of engagement and burnout and analysing their predictors and outcomes

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modified on 2023-04-08, 05:26

 A file (*.docx) containing:


Online resource 1: Measurement models ........................................................................  1 - 10

Online resource 2: Descriptive statistics, correlations, reliability and 

validity (convergent, discriminant and criterion-related)  ............  11 - 26

Online resource 3: Ancillary figures and tables related to LPA .................................  27 - 28

Online resource 4: some examples (excerpts) of Mplus code for the main analyses .  29 - 47

Online resource 5: References only cited in the Online Supplemental Information ..  48 – 50


The authors have not received financial support from any funding bodies for the research.