
Sustaining Community Solidarity Interview Transcripts

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modified on 2021-07-23, 13:28
A set of thirty-two semi-structured interviews conducted between September 2020 and January 2021. Participants were approximately between 20 and 75 years old and distributed equally by sex. The average length of the interviews was 60 minutes. The interviewees were coordinators of mutual aid or community support groups in England (24), Wales (4), Scotland (3) and North Ireland (1).

Interviews covered questions on the mutual aid group story (e.g., How did the group start?); the participant’s own experience (what is your role in the group?); facts about the group (e.g., what kinds of things did the group do); Issues in organizing (e.g., how did you get volunteers involved?); motivations for participation (e.g., what are the motivations of other active participants?); changes and problems in the group (e.g., have people dropped out of your group? Why?); strategies (e.g., what kinds of things have you done that have helped keep the group going?); lessons from coordinating the group (e.g., what have you learned from coordinating the group?). Except for four instances, all interviews were conducted by the first author. The interviews were transcribed verbatim by a single professional transcriber.


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