Figure 2 (A, B, C, D).docx (176.14 kB)

Effect of SAEW concentrations (A) and different pH (B) on the inactivation of pathogens . Effect of SAEW concentrations (C) and different pH (D) in combination with dipping times on SAEW sanitization efficacy against B. cereus spores. Bars labeled with different letters in the pathogen are significantly (p>0.05) different. The initial count of EC (E. coli O157:H7), SA (S. aureus), SE (S. enterica), BC (B. cereus), BS (B.cereus spores) were 9.32, 9.06, 8.48, 8.03, 7.65 log cfu/mL, respectively.

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journal contribution
modified on 2018-04-11, 21:49

The effect of ACC on SAEW sanitization efficacy against foodborne pathogens treated at 23±0.2 °C for 1 min of dipping time was represented in Fig. 2A.

The effect of pH ranges on SAEW sanitization efficacy against foodborne pathogens treated at 23±0.2 °C for 1 min of dipping time was shown in Fig. 2B.

The combined effect of free chlorine concentration with dipping time on SAEW sanitization efficacy against B. cereus spores was presented in Fig. 2C.

The effect of pH ranges combined with dipping time towards the SAEW sanitization efficacy against B. cereus spores was shown in Fig. 2D.