
Supplementary data file to "International food trade contributes to dietary risks and mortality at global, regional, and national levels"

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modified on 2023-09-05, 18:18

The dataset is the Supplementary Data File to "International food trade contributes to dietary risks and mortality at global, regional, and national levels" by Springmann, M., Kennard, H., Daily, C., Freund. F., published in Nature Food in 2023. The data contains global, regional, and country-level data on trade in food groups related to dietary risks, trade-related changes in food availability and intake, and changes in mortality attributable to imported foods.


Livestock, Environment and People (LEAP)

Wellcome Trust

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Wellcome Trust (225318/Z/22/Z)

Wellcome Trust (209734/Z/17/Z)

Natural Environment Research Council (NE/N01524X/1)

Wellcome Trust (205200/Z/16/Z)