19 files

Tighten the Bolts and Nuts on GPP Estimations from Sites to the Globe: An Assessment of Remote Sensing Based LUE Models and Supporting Data Fields

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modified on 2021-10-22, 13:09

This dataset provides monthly global gross primary production (GPP) product at 10km resoluution from 2000 to 2018.

Model description:

This model was developed mainly based on the principles of the EC-LUE model. Specifically, the regulation of water on GPP is represented by the normalized differential vegetation index (NDWI). The NDWI, strongly related to vegetation water content and the data is easily access, can be a very good proxy for vegetation water stress. In addition, two new modifiers of GPP were added to the original EC-LUE model. The first modifier considers the impact of cloudiness on GPP. The other modifier addresses the fertilization effect of increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.

Dataset information:

Each .zip file contains 12 files for 12 months. The last number starts at 0, that is, 0 is January and 11 is December.

Data format: tif

Spatial extent: global

Unit: g C m-2 day-1

Any questions about the GPP dataset can be corresponded to:

Author: (Zhao Wang).

Corresponding author: (Shuguang Liu).


National Natural Science Foundation of China (41971152)

Hunan Innovative Talent Program (2019RS1062)