TdataJR_ITV.csv (3.45 kB)

Pollinator body width data

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modified on 2024-01-17, 21:23

Dataset on pollinator body width (mm) from a subalpine meadow at the University of Colorado’s Mountain Research Station (40°01'48″ N, 105°32'26″ W), 22 km west of Boulder, Colorado, USA at 2,900 m a. s. l.) For methodological details see Peralta et al. in press and Resasco et al (2021).

  • Peralta G, Resasco J, Worthy S, Frost CM, Guevara AT, Manning I, Cagnolo L, and Burkle LA. Pollinator intraspecific body size variation and sociality influence their interactions with plants. Functional Ecology.
  • Resasco J, Chacoff NP, and Vázquez DP (2021) Plant-pollinator interactions between generalists persist over time and space. Ecology 102: e03359.