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Figures, tables, supplementary materials and data sets of "Stomatal dimorphism of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae (Diplogastromorpha: Diplogastridae)"

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modified on 2016-05-20, 00:31

S1 Figure. Newly confirmed morphological characteristics of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae. A: Left lateral view of the anterior part of a female showing the hemizonid and deirid. B: Postdeirid position of the female. C: The gonad and postdeirid of the male. D: Close-up of the male postdeirid. E: Ventral view of the male tail tip showing ad, pd, and v5–7 papillae and phasmid position. (TIF)

S1 Table. Morphometric values of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae. All measurements are in μm and in the form: mean ± standard deviation (sd; range). (DOCX)

S1 Video. Stenostomatous morph of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae feeding on fungal hyphae. The stoma and pharynx coordinate with each other to cut open the hyphae and take in the hyphal contents. (MP4)

S2 Video. Stenostomatous morph of N. acaloleptae feeding on the body of a dead nematode. Stoma and pharynx movements are basically the same as in fungal feeding; however, sometimes the stoma is kept open, and the pharynx is moved to take in the contents of a dead nematode. (MP4)  

S3 Video. A eurystomatous morph of N. acaloleptae predating on a Caenorhabditis elegans juvenile. The stoma is kept open and the pharynx keeps moving while sucking in the leakage (0–10 s). The coordination of stoma and pharynx is clearly observed from 40–50 s. (MP4)

Figure 1. The anterior part of eurystomatous females of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae. DIC (differential interference contrast) microphotographs. A: Right lateral view of the anterior end to the anterior pharynx. B–D: Right lateral view of the stomatal region in different focal planes. E–G: Left lateral view of the stomatal region in different focal planes. H–K: Ventral view of the stomatal region in different focal planes. A and B–D are from the same individual.

Figure 2. The stomatal region of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae. Drawings. A-F: Eurystomatous morph. A: Right lateral view of a female (d = dorsal meta-telostegostomatal element, rsv = right subventral meta-telostegostomatal element). B: Left lateral view of a female (lsv = left subventral meta-telostegostomatal element). C: Ventral view of a female. D: Anterior body surface of a male showing labial sensilla, cephalic papillae, and amphid. E: Right lateral view of a male. F: Left lateral view of a male. G-I: Stenostomatous morph. G: Right lateral view of a female. H: Left lateral view of a female. I: Ventral view of a female.

Figure 3. Schematic drawing of the stomatal and pharyngeal movement of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae from a right lateral view. A: Anterior part at rest when the stoma is retracted. Anterior and posterior parts of the pharynxe are closed, and the cardia is loosely closed (or open). B: Protraction of stomatal elements (cutting and sucking of the food source). When the stoma is protracted by extension of the procorpus, the anterior pharynx is opened and the posterior pharynx and cardia are closed. C: Close-up of the stomatal region of B, where the cheilostomatal ring (rugae) is widened slightly, the dorsal tooth is flipped dorsally, and subventral elements are tilted slightly ventrally. D: Ingestion of food when the stoma is retracted. The anterior pharynx is closed and the posterior pharynx is open to transfer the food to the cardia.

Figure 4. Phylogenetic relationships among diplogastrid genera. The phylogenetic tree provided by Susoy et al. [7] was simplified to show the relationships among groups of specified genera. The size of a triangle indicates the number of genera included in each clade. An asterisk indicates a genus with stomatal dimorphism.

Figure 5. Schematic drawing of the stomatal movement of Tylopharynx and Mononchoides from a right lateral view. Figures were redrawn based on those provided by Fürst von Lieven [26]. A–C: Tylopharynx. A: At rest when the stoma is retracted. B: Protraction of stomatal elements by extending the pharyngeal tube (spearing the fungal hypha). C: The cheilostomatal ring tilts slightly dorsally, the dorsal tooth is flipped dorsally, and the subventral elements are tilted slightly ventrally (cutting open the hypha to suck up the hyphal contents). D–F: Mononchoides; D: At rest when the stoma is retracted. E: Protraction of stegostomatal elements where the dorsal tooth is slightly flipped dorsally, and subventral elements are tilted slightly ventrally (biting the prey). F: Ingestion of food retracting the stegostomatal elements where the head is tilted slightly dorsally, and the dorsal tooth is strongly flipped dorsally to open the stoma.

Table 1. Average number, sex ratio, and proportions of the eurystomatous morph in females and males of Neodiplogaster acaloleptae under different culture conditions. 

All values are in the form: mean ± standard deviation (sd). Means followed by the same letter in a column are not significantly different (P < 0.05).


Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 2014, No. 26292083 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (4-1401) from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan