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Supplementary Tables S1–S4

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modified on 2024-04-04, 11:44

These are the Supplementary Tables S1–S4 (excel files) of the manuscript by Moritz Dirnberger, Elena Bauer & Bettina Reichenbacher, entitled "A new freshwater gobioid from the Lower Miocene of Turkey in a significantly amended total evidence phylogenetic framework". It has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. As soon as possible, we will provide a DOI number for this online data resource.

The captions are:
Table S1. Details of studied species.
Table S1, sheet 1: Specimen list of †Simpsonigobius nerimanae gen. et sp. nov.
Table S1, sheet 2: Morphometric measurements (in mm and in % of standard length) of †Simpsonigobius nerimanae gen. et sp. nov..
Table S1, sheet 3: Meristic data of of †Simpsonigobius nerimanae gen. et sp. nov..

Table S2. Literature used and changes to previous matrix
Table S2, sheet 1: Literature used for character matrix
Table S2, sheet 2: Changes made to the matrix of Gierl et al. (2022)

Table S3. Character matrix and explanations of character states. Colour in Part A and B indicates how the character state was determined; ? indicates that character state is not known or not applicable. Grey shading in Part C depicts plesiomorphic character state.
Part A. Distribution of character states of characters 1–48 for 29 extant and 10 fossil gobioid species used in the matrix of Gierl et al. (2022), with additions or changes (red-coloured cells) in accordance with the literature review of our study.
Part B. Distribution of character states of characters 1–48 among 19 extant gobioid species and the fossil species from Karalar Köyü (data of this study).
Part C. List of characters, their states and literature sources.

Table S4. List of 19 species of which morphological and molecular data were newly compiled and added to the phylogenetic matrix. X-ray images of specimens with an asterisk were produced in this study; GenBank accession numbers given for molecular sequences; molecular data from Agorreta et al. (2013), except for sequences in green that were found directly in GenBank.