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EssentialMacrosICRproject.xlsm (67.95 kB)

Essential VBA macros for ICR calculation

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modified on 2023-11-10, 11:46

This macro-enabled Excel workbook contains macros to assist process of ICR calculation from coordinate data for individual limbs. These coordinate data were extracted from fluoroscopic video stills using standardized landmarks.

  1. CollectCoordinateData: based on the number of limbs and data for the caudal joint angle in each video still image, this macro collects and collates data for proximal tibial landmarks (to calculate ICR) and Blumensaat's line (for orientation and scaling) - output is a new sheet "CollatedData"
  2. MonotoneSplineJM: takes the data in "CollatedData" and reorganizes it using a monotone spline interpolation to create new landmark coordinates at set angular intervals and adds these to the "CollatedData" worksheet. Requires the class module "PreservingSplineJM"
  3. FindFCR: reads each limbs data and calculates the finite (instantaneous) centre of rotation for a user-selected angular step (for the current studies, 60 degree overlapping steps were used). Uses a least squares approach based on the equations given by Challis. Creates a new sheet called "FCRoutput" with the angular step appended.
  4. FCR_errorellipses: uses the data from "FCRoutput" and calculates the associated semi-major and semi-minor axes for the 67% error ellipse associated with the FCR, along with the ellipse centre and ellipse angle, and adds this data to the "FCRoutput" sheet. These data can be used to plot the error ellipses in e.g. Inkscape.
  5. BestFitCircle: uses coordinate data for the femorotibial contact point and Blumensaat's line to identify the best-fit circle using Taubin's method in order to estimate the condylar surface. This is then used to calculate percentage rolling and gliding within the worksheet itself.