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Tactile and proximity fracture/crack dataset

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modified on 2021-03-30, 16:08

The names are encoded as follows:
type/width: the type of surface or the width of the crack
R: the number of complete repetition
The data acquired with the sensor and the Geomagic have been synchronised using the provided timestamp.

For each surface the dataset contains one matlab synchronised.mat file:

  1. The position of the Geomagic on the X-axis (especially useful for plotting))
  2. The value obtained from the left part displacement (D1) of the fibre-optic sensor
  3. The value obtained from the right part displacement (D2) of the fibre-optic sensor
  4. The value obtained from the back part displacement (D3) of the fibre-optic sensor
  5. The proximity value (P) of the fibre-optic sensor
  6. The sliding movement direction of the Geomagic, 1 indicates movement from left to right and 0 indicates movement from right to left
  7. The number of complete sliding repetition (from left to right and backward), from 1 to 12
  8. The type of surface explored. For the type: 0 = flat surface, 1 = crack surface, 2 = bump surface, 3 = wavy pattern surface. For the width of the crack, the size of the crack is used (e.g. 0 if no crack, 5 if a 5mm crack was explored).
  9. The number of complete repetition, from 1 to 5.
For additional Information, please refer to

If you use the dataset, please cite the following paper. Bibtext Citation:

@article{palermo2020automatic, title={Automatic Fracture Characterization Using Tactile and Proximity Optical Sensing}, author={Palermo, Francesca and Konstantinova, Jelizaveta and Althoefer, Kaspar and Poslad, Stefan and Farkhatdinov, Ildar}, journal={Frontiers in Robotics and AI}, volume={7}, year={2020}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA}}