11 files

Overture POI data for the United Kingdom: a comprehensive, queryable open data product, validated against Geolytix supermarket data

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journal contribution
modified on 2024-05-08, 15:39

This FigShare repository contains the files associated with the EPB paper titled: "Overture POI data for the United Kingdom: a comprehensive, queryable open data product, validated against Geolytix supermarket data."

The following details the included files:

README.{md/pdf}: Detailed instructions for reproducing the UK data, and data for other areas.

overture-uk: Contains all relevant code used to produce this data product.

uk_places_admin.parquet: The main data product for UK related Overture POIs.

tesco_demo files: Files demonstrating the ability to query the processed UK Overture datafile. Available in html, qmd (Python), R, or ipynb formats.

nepal_demo files: Files demonstrating the ability to use our source code to directly query the Overture data to produce outputs for a separate region.