
Gene Onthology results from Cytoscape and g:Profiler

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modified on 2020-10-02, 13:27

The worksheets within this file include ClueGO output from Cytoscape which included Gene onthology terms from GO annotations (biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions), KEGG terms, Reactome terms and WikiPathway terms. The final worksheet (SA NDH vs WE NDH) contains findings from g:Profiler as results fromCytoscape were unavailable, this analysis also contains results from CORUM.

The proteins identified to significantly differ between ethnic groups and/or glycaemic control statues were explored through Cytoscape using Clue-GO application in order to assess protein mechanistic pathways and protein-protein interactions. Report settings selected for analysis were GO Biological Process, Cellular Components and Molecular Function. Also selected were Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), REACTOME pathway and interaction analysis, and Wiki Pathways. Proteins that were either up or downregulated acted as the clusters, with the significance of the pathways identified being set as Probability (p)-values of ≤0.05. Where no results were returned for the criteria set in Cytoscape, g:Profiler (; Elixar, Estonia) to return protein reports.


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre