VIDEO 3 Polusani etal HeLa 26 (3.76 MB)

Video 3 Polusani etal

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modified on 2015-12-14, 23:38

1.      VIDEO 3 - Homotypic (top two panels) or Mixed (bottom panel) confluent cultures of HeLa26 (green) and HeLa32 (red) were subjected to a scrape wound and followed as in Video 2. Cx26 and Cx32 are known to form heterotypic chnanels and these cell lines do couple. Cells were labeled as in Video 2. In this case, in the mixed culture, the green (HeLa26) and red cells (HeLa32) fill the wound equally, as the HeLa32 cells now show higher motility than in their homotypic culture, approximating the motility rate of HeLa26 cells. Quantitation shown in Fig. 3B