
GC-MS data

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modified on 2018-12-24, 14:30

The GC–MS, and GC-FID runs were carried out on a two parallel GC-QP2010 and GC2010 instruments (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The GC column used was a 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.25 μm df Supelcowax-10 column (MilliporeSigma). Helium was exploited as carrier gas, at a constant linear velocity of 30.0 cm/s which corresponding to an inlet pressure of 26.4 kPa for GC-MS and 97.4 kPa for GC-FID. The temperature program was the same in both analysis-type: 40°C at 3° C/min to 250°C, at 10°C/min to 280°C, held 10 min.

GC-MS ion source temperature was set at 200°C; the interface temperature, 250°C. Scan range was set to m/z 40–360, with a scanning rate of 2000 amu/s. FFSNC 3.0 (Shimadzu) and NIST11 (Wiley) commercial libraries were used for identification, applying two filters, namely a spectrum similarity match over 85% and Linear Retention Index (LRI) (related to a C4-C24 FAMEs mixture) agreement in the ±15 range.

The FID temperature was set at 280°C (sampling rate 40 ms) and gas flows were 40 mL/min for hydrogen and 400 mL/min for air, respectively.

The data handling was supported by GCMSsolution ver.4.30 and GCsolution software (Shimadzu) for GC-MS and GC-FID analysis, respectively.