
Uncertainty-aware particle segmentation for electron microscopy at varied length scales

Published on by Luca Rettenberger

Electron microscopy is indispensable for examining the morphology and composition of solid materials at the sub-micron scale. To study the powder samples that are widely used in materials development, scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) are increasingly used at the laboratory scale to generate large datasets with hundreds of images. Parsing these images to identify distinct particles and determine their morphology requires careful analysis, and automating this process remains challenging. 

In this work, we enhance the Mask R-CNN architecture to develop a new method for automated \\ segmentation of particles in SEM images.  We address several challenges inherent to measurements, such as image blur and particle agglomeration. Moreover, our method accounts for prediction uncertainty when such issues prevent accurate segmentation of a particle. Recognizing that disparate length scales are often present in large datasets, we use this framework to create two models that are separately trained to handle images obtained at low or high magnification.  By testing these models on a variety of inorganic samples, our approach to particle segmentation surpasses an established automated segmentation method and yields comparable results to the predictions of three domain experts, revealing comparable accuracy while requiring a fraction of the time. These findings highlight the potential of deep learning in advancing autonomous workflows for materials characterization.

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