
Supplemental material for "Monitoring biodiversity impacts of a changing Arctic through environmental (e)DNA"

Published on by Sean McAllister

Supplementary information for the 16S and 18S genes. 

Each gzip'ed file contains:

  1. X_ASVs.fa – Fasta formatted file with all amplicon sequence variants (ASVs).
  2. X_ASVCounts.txt – Read count data per sample for each ASV.
  3. X_ASV2TaxonomyTable.txt – Taxonomic assignments for each ASV.
  4. X_taxonomy2PercentAbundance.txt – Summary table of each unique taxonomic string and the percent relative abundance of each for each sample in the dataset.
  5. X_kronaPlot.html – Krona plot hierarchical data browser showing the abundance of taxa for each sample.

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