
Coral Bleaching Database V1

Published on by Simon Donner
This database is an expansion of the voluntary Reefbase database of bleaching observations developed through outreach to the coral reef research and monitoring community and from observations available in the literature. Version 1.0 contains observations through 2010. A spreadsheet in .xlsx format lists each individual bleaching observation and a database legend (see “README”). As a part of this project, the probability of bleaching occurrence in a given year between 1985 and 2010 was spatially modelled across the world’s warmwater coral reefs at 0.04° X 0.04° latitude-longitude resolution using indicator kriging. Probabilities were not estimated for years in which there were no reports or the modeled semi-variograms failed to converge due to the low number of bleaching observations that year. The annual gridded maps are provided in geotiff format. Please consult the manuscript and the authors before employing this data.

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